Sound Travels is a remote hire platform for music industry professionals in direct response to the COVID crisis – for the music community from the music community.

We’re making sure you stay connected to employment opportunities, people to employ, and resources available to musicians in need.

Here you will find an opportunity to promote yourself, detail your skillset, and/or post a job (which will be vetted by our team prior to being broadcast). You will be able to message each other through our platform / maintain remote relationships with fellow musicians and clients. You will also find a separate virtual playground of individuals opting in for creative collaboration in hopes of fostering some new global noise.

Members of our growing community will offer tutorials / advice here for generating professional grade audio content from your home while keeping your workflow as organized as possible as we collectively pursue an effective low-buffer solution to larger scale remote recording sessions.

Let’s keep on keeping on and maybe even find some new ground while we’re at it!

— The Sound Travels Team
(Shruti, Emily, & Prudence)

ig: @soundcantravel

Meet the team


Shruti Kumar

Shruti Kumar is a composer, producer, arranger, and conductor based in Los Angeles.

Shruti Kumar is a composer, producer, arranger, and conductor based in Los Angeles.
She also hosts a monthly podcast with Dublab -- "Let's Shake On It"

Emily Retsas

Emily is a bassist from South Australia, based in LA, specialising in contemporary performance.

She has been performing, recording and touring interstate and overseas and has played bass for artists such as Shirley Manson (Garbage),Fiona Apple, Phoebe Bridgers, Kim Gordon, Boygenius, and Death Valley Girls.
Product Designer + Development

Prudence Rees-Lee

Prudence is a cellist and web developer based in Upstate NY.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.

Laura West

Laura West is an LA based artist, designer, editor. Conjuror of magic in the mundane. Lover, sister, friend.

Laura West is an LA based artist, designer, editor. Conjuror of magic in the mundane. Lover, sister, friend.

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